Why Us?

The Pet Shop has been open and family owned for 40 years, and we pride ourselves on matching our pets with loving and dedicated owners. Our lives revolve around animals and we enjoy nothing more than imparting that love to others.

We are not your average pet store. At The Pet Shop we believe in matching the proper animal to the right person. We want to make sure every animal in the shop goes to the best possible home and that every owner has the best possible experience.

We sell companion pets, low maintenance animals that are perfect for people with little time and room on their hands. No one should be deprived of the joy that you get from a pet, and we take pride in sharing that joy through our unique animals.

10% off our full selection of nano and desktop aquariums.

10% off our full selection of nano and desktop aquariums.



Please mention the online special to the checkout counter.

Mascot parrot